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Home > Introduce ITSCOPE > PMO

PMO is : 일원화된 업무처리 채널, 표준자산의 체계적관리 및 지원, 한눈에 보이는 프로젝트 Dashboard, 멀티프로젝트 관리

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“PMO-Professional Project Management Solution”

ITSCOPE PMO is a professional project management solution that enables organization’s competency to be given full play and managed for successful project delivery.

To manage various S/W development projects, ①Program ②Project ③Infrastructure ④ Organization, and the like are required. As illustrated below, ITSCOPE offers not only specialized functions for each domain but also other various functions ranging from seamless interface and reuse of project plans, sharing of information, plan development, execution, closure, and production for supporting PMO. In addition, SOLUTIONLINK, a S/W engineering expert, offers work product templates, standard checklists, standard methodology, standard processes, and the like drawing upon years of know-how to enable 100% utilization of ITSCOPE PMO.